
Wendell Berry in the mountains

Wendell Berry is quite awesome. A hero to the environmental and food movements, he is currently taking action in the kind of activism we presently need - against coal strip mining in Kentucky. Some good ole Christianity.

"The writer and philosopher Wendell Berry, armed with little more than a copy of William Shakespeare’s “The Tempest” and his conscience, has been camped out for three days with a handful of other activists in the governor’s outer office in Frankfort, Ky. Berry, who is 76 and the author of a number of important books including the “Unsettling of America” and “Life Is a Miracle,” has been sleeping on the floor of Gov. Steve Beshear’s reception area since Friday night with 13 others to protest the continued blasting of mountaintops in eastern Kentucky and the poisoning of watersheds, soil and air by coal companies."

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have seen the hills of Kentucky, and can relate to Wendell's plea!